Your personalised longevity dashboard

Forging the future of preventative health

We’re on a mission to simplify biomarker data. We're building a platform that leverages machine learning to connect the dots and empower individuals, making longevity accessible to all.

Our story so far

What we do

Our story so far

What we do

Tenet IQ started as a philosophy

Tenet IQ started as a philosophy


Driven by a belief that applying lifestyle based behavioural & nutritional protocols drastically reduces the risk of age-related chronic diseases, no matter the person’s predestined genetics.


Tenet IQ started as a philosophy

Driven by a belief that applying lifestyle based behavioural & nutritional protocols drastically reduces the risk of age-related chronic diseases, no matter the person’s predestined genetics.


Tenet IQ started as a philosophy

Driven by a belief that applying lifestyle based behavioural & nutritional protocols drastically reduces the risk of age-related chronic diseases, no matter the person’s predestined genetics.


Tenet IQ started as a philosophy

Tenet IQ became
a practice

Tenet IQ became
a practice


Regular blood tests and daily optimisation protocols practised by two health obsessed engineers (and previous co-founders), both of whom experienced fatal family tragedies through COVID. The two optimised their behavioural routine, exercise nutrition and supplementation, successfully avoiding all illness for two years and improving their daily physical & cognitive performance.

Tenet IQ became
a practice


Regular blood tests and daily optimisation protocols practised by two health obsessed engineers (and previous co-founders), both of whom experienced fatal family tragedies through COVID. The two optimised their behavioural routine, exercise nutrition and supplementation, successfully avoiding all illness for two years and improving their daily physical & cognitive performance.

Tenet IQ became
a practice


Regular blood tests and daily optimisation protocols practised by two health obsessed engineers (and previous co-founders), both of whom experienced fatal family tragedies through COVID. The two optimised their behavioural routine, exercise nutrition and supplementation, successfully avoiding all illness for two years and improving their daily physical & cognitive performance.

Tenet IQ became
a practice


Tenet IQ becomes
a mission


To forge the future of personal preventive health, and leverage the power of machine learning to understand human data to unlock a higher level of personal health intelligence (IQ). This would empowering individuals with the awareness to take appropriate action, enabling a societal shift and belief (tenets) in true 'healthcare' which is preventative, rather than reactive - which is the core of our 'sick care' health system.

To forge the future of personal preventive health, and leverage the power of machine learning to understand human data unlocking a higher level of personal health intelligence (IQ). This would empowering individuals with the awareness to take appropriate action, enabling a societal shift and belief (tenets) in true 'healthcare' which is preventative, rather than reactive - which is the core of our current 'sick care' health system.

Tenet IQ becomes
a mission


To forge the future of personal preventive health, and leverage the power of machine learning to understand human data to unlock a higher level of personal health intelligence (IQ). This would empowering individuals with the awareness to take appropriate action, enabling a societal shift and belief (tenets) in true 'healthcare' which is preventative, rather than reactive - which is the core of our 'sick care' health system.

Tenet IQ becomes
a mission


To forge the future of personal preventive health, and leverage the power of machine learning to understand human data to unlock a higher level of personal health intelligence (IQ). This would empowering individuals with the awareness to take appropriate action, enabling a societal shift and belief (tenets) in true 'healthcare' which is preventative, rather than reactive - which is the core of our 'sick care' health system.

Tenet IQ becomes
a mission


Tenet IQ begins as a personalised longevity dashboard

Late 2024

Integrating an individual’s health & lifestyle profile, to connect the dots between preventative behavioural protocols & biomarker data. We're building a simplified digital dashboard that decodes your data, provides pathways for low-cost blood tests and provides insights on what they could mean.

Integrating an individual’s health & lifestyle profile, to connect the dots between preventative behavioural protocols & biomarker data. We're building a simplified digital dashboard that decodes your data, provides pathways for low-cost blood tests and curates insights on what they could mean.

A powerful diagnostic & early detection platform


Integrating an individual’s health & lifestyle profile, to connect the dots between preventative behavioural protocols & biomarker data. We're building a simplified digital dashboard that decodes your data, provides pathways for low-cost blood tests and provides insights on what they could mean.

A powerful diagnostic & early detection platform


Integrating an individual’s health & lifestyle profile, to connect the dots between preventative behavioural protocols & biomarker data. We're building a simplified digital dashboard that decodes your data, provides pathways for low-cost blood tests and provides insights on what they could mean.

A powerful diagnostic & early detection platform


What to expect

Features to expect

What to expect

Features to expect

Digital Health Wallet

Centralising your health information, medical data and family history into a secure and accessible platform.

Digital Health Wallet

Centralising your health information, medical data and family history into a secure and accessible platform.

Digital Health Wallet

Centralising your health information, medical data and family history into a secure and accessible platform.

  • Launching beta in late 2024

How we do it - Diagnostic Labs

What the process looks like

What the process looks like

What the process looks like now



Fill out a quick questionnaire,
upload any previous tests &
order labs with us (under 5 min).

No GP needed.

Tenet AI will gather your initial information, any available historical tests and your goals, to recommend a customised blood test available from our Direct Access Pathology partner.

Tenet AI will gather your basic information, any previous blood tests and your goals, and recommend blood test available from our Direct Access Pathology partners (i-Screen & i-Medical). We offer custom & discounted blood tests for our users.

Immediately receive your form
and get your blood work done
within the same day.

Immediately receive your form
and get your blood work done
within the same day.

Choose a lab near you.

Choose a lab near you.

Once your test has been ordered, instantly receive your request form and walk-in to any of our NATA accredited pathology labs to get your test done as fast as the same day.

We will send you a link to pay and receive your form. Once confirmed, instantly receive your referral form and walk-in to any of our NATA accredited pathology labs to get your test done as fast as the same day.

Receive your results and Tenet AI report
within 48 hours.

Receive your results and Tenet IQ
Dashboard link within 48 hours.

Get your Tenet AI insights

Get your Tenet IQ insights

Within 48 hours of your test, you will receive your results accompanied by a Tenet AI report. This report will talk through what each data point & reference result means in general, what it could mean for you based on your profile and what potential actions & professional help pathways are available.

Within 48 hours of your test, you will receive your results accompanied by a Tenet IQ user login for a dashboard display of your biomarker results, against normal and optimal reference ranges, accompanied by evidence-based & curated research insights.

How we do it - Diagnostic Labs

What the process looks like



Fill out a quick questionnaire,
upload any previous tests &
order labs with us (under 5 min).

No GP needed.

Tenet AI will gather your initial information, any available historical tests and your goals, to recommend a customised blood test available from our Direct Access Pathology partner.

Immediately receive your form
and get your blood work done
within the same day.

Choose a lab near you.

Once your test has been ordered, instantly receive your request form and walk-in to any of our NATA accredited pathology labs to get your test done as fast as the same day.

Receive your results and Tenet AI report
within 48 hours.

Get your Tenet AI insights

Within 48 hours of your test, you will receive your results accompanied by a Tenet AI report. This report will talk through what each data point & reference result means in general, what it could mean for you based on your profile and what potential actions & professional help pathways are available.

"I've long been a believer in getting regular blood work done. It makes it very easy to understand nutritional, behavioural, supplementation based interventions that impact your immediate and long term health."

"I've long been a believer in getting regular blood work done. It makes it very easy to understand nutritional, behavioural, supplementation based interventions that impact your immediate and long term health."

― Dr. Andrew Huberman

― Dr. Andrew Huberman

Analysis Platform

Actionable Insights based on your data

Actionable Insights based on your data

Analysis Platform

Actionable Insights based on your data

Learn More



Learn More



We’ve got you covered


We’ve got you covered

Why is it called Tenet IQ?

How does the Tenet IQ platform work?

What do you mean by health span? Is that the same as life span?

What are Biomarkers and what does that have to do with my health?

What will the blood be tested for? What should I look out for?

What do my genes have to do with my health?

Can’t I just go to my GP (general practitioner) for a blood test?

How do I know the data is accurate if it is AI?

Would my health data be safe?

Who is behind Tenet IQ?

Why is it called Tenet IQ?

How does the Tenet IQ platform work?

What do you mean by health span? Is that the same as life span?

What are Biomarkers and what does that have to do with my health?

What will the blood be tested for? What should I look out for?

What do my genes have to do with my health?

Can’t I just go to my GP (general practitioner) for a blood test?

How do I know the data is accurate if it is AI?

Would my health data be safe?

Who is behind Tenet IQ?

Why is it called Tenet IQ?

How does the Tenet IQ platform work?

What do you mean by health span? Is that the same as life span?

What are Biomarkers and what does that have to do with my health?

What will the blood be tested for? What should I look out for?

What do my genes have to do with my health?

Can’t I just go to my GP (general practitioner) for a blood test?

How do I know the data is accurate if it is AI?

Would my health data be safe?

Who is behind Tenet IQ?

Why is it called Tenet IQ?

How does the Tenet IQ platform work?

What do you mean by health span? Is that the same as life span?

What are Biomarkers and what does that have to do with my health?

What will the blood be tested for? What should I look out for?

What do my genes have to do with my health?

Can’t I just go to my GP (general practitioner) for a blood test?

How do I know the data is accurate if it is AI?

Would my health data be safe?

Who is behind Tenet IQ?

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Keep up with us and get ready now

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